HTTP Caching


Enable caching for the service:

crudService.enableCache(method : UniversalMethod = 'GET', lifetime : number = 2000) : this

Disable caching for the service:

crudService.disableCache() : this


Flush all caches of the service:

crudService.flush() : this

Flush a single cache by its urlWithParams for enabled services:

cacheService.flush(urlWithParams : string) : this

Flush many caches by their url for enabled services:

cacheService.flushMany(url : string) : this

Flush all caches for enabled services:

cacheService.flushAll() : this


Observe a single cache by its urlWithParams for enabled services:

cacheService.observe(urlWithParams : string) : Observable<[string, Store]>

Observe many caches by their url for enabled services:

cacheService.observeMany(url : string) : Observable<[string, Store]>

Observe all caches for enabled services:

cacheService.observeAll() : Observable<[string, Store]>

Last updated